Policy Forum

The Inspired Policy Forum, hosted by The Inspired Network, is a policy-related, sister event to Rescue The Republic. Rescue The Republic calls for the nation to come together to fight against attacks from the industrial complexes; the Inspired Policy Forum is our chance to counter these attacks. The forum is designed as a think tank and roundtable discussion on five primary topics: Ensuring Safe Medicine, Food Policy, Psychedelics for Veterans’ Mental Health and Addiction, Child Trafficking at the Border, and Clean and Sustainable Energy. We invite policymakers and experts to convene together such a way as to bridge known communication gaps that can lead to inefficient or ineffective policymaking. The purpose is to translate the messages of the RTR rally into meaningful dialogue that leads to sustainable and bipartisan policy-level change. For more information or participation requests, contact info@theinspirednetwork.org.  Space is limited and priority will be given to policymakers.